14 March 2012

overdue update

My dear readers,
Sorry to be so elusive. Much has happened since my last post and I will try to post multiple times this week to fill you in on all of it.

A little teaser:
-new job
-New York
-new dress

Lots of newness as you can see.

Right now, as we work on getting our save the dates out, we are working on our website. We want it to be a one-stop place where guests can look to find travel tips, routes, suggested hotels, links to registries, photos, read our love story and so on. Where to start? Francis, the sweetheart that he is created a blog under our names. I'm wondering if it is easier to do one of the wedding websites. Does anyone have experience or a strong opinion of one or the other? I like how the wedding websites are already categorized into different sections and we simply fill in information. I like how the blog leaves more room for creativity on our part and the domain is simpler.

Decisions, decisions.


{photo: hilaryclair}