January has been flying by. There's many a things to update you on, but for now, I thought I'd show you a few new decor items we've added to our home.
Since moving in (a year and a half ago), our living room has been a bit eclectic. Mostly white for the larger pieces of furniture, with splashes of color here and there, a changing collage of pictures and whatnots hang on the wall, colorful throw pillows that I bought right after college sink into the corner nooks of the couch. Though comfortable, I've been wanting to change it up a bit. Pick a little more of a color theme to adhere to. (Not matchy matchy, but just a little extra home love.) After casually searching for months and months and months, I decided on a cream, white, gold theme to tie things together. Then, slowly I found accessories I loved and waited for them to go on sale.
Typically living on a relatively strict budget, even on sale, the items weren't really necessary. Flashback to when F and I got married - we got a joint account, but I never transferred over the money from my maiden name one. Knowing how excited I was to add a few more gold accessories to the room, F told me to use the money in my maiden account to spend on a few of my favorite pieces. The man melts me.
Below are the ones I chose. I know some people are not as in to the white white everywhere as I am but it feels so crisp and clean to me. Especially in our itty bitty square foot apartment. Let me know what you think.