24 January 2014

Home Love

I've been sort of tongue tied with blogging lately. So many ideas swim around in my head, but getting them typed into organized fashion has been more trying than usual. I made a horrible blogger no-no by promising a holiday version of my fall stove simmer in my last post and then never posting it. Now, it's nearly a month past the Christmas holiday and fresh evergreen needles (an ingredient in the simmer) are harder to come by. Please forgive me?

January has been flying by. There's many a things to update you on, but for now, I thought I'd show you a few new decor items we've added to our home. 

Since moving in (a year and a half ago), our living room has been a bit eclectic. Mostly white for the larger pieces of furniture, with splashes of color here and there, a changing collage of pictures and whatnots hang on the wall, colorful throw pillows that I bought right after college sink into the corner nooks of the couch. Though comfortable, I've been wanting to change it up a bit. Pick a little more of a color theme to adhere to. (Not matchy matchy, but just a little extra home love.) After casually searching for months and months and months, I decided on a cream, white, gold theme to tie things together. Then, slowly I found accessories I loved and waited for them to go on sale. 

Typically living on a relatively strict budget, even on sale, the items weren't really necessary. Flashback to when F and I got married - we got a joint account, but I never transferred over the money from my maiden name one. Knowing how excited I was to add a few more gold accessories to the room, F told me to use the money in my maiden account to spend on a few of my favorite pieces. The man melts me.

Below are the ones I chose. I know some people are not as in to the white white everywhere as I am but it feels so crisp and clean to me. Especially in our itty bitty square foot apartment. Let me know what you think. 

1. // 2. // 3. // 4. // 5.