19 September 2013

The Best Adventure

F and I are celebrating our one year wedding anniversary this weekend. 

I dreamed of being married since before I could talk. 
I would clean my room - shuffling about - in a veil my aunt had given me and a huge diamond ring I'd splurged for (all of 10 cents) at the local Skate-town. 
I'd pretend that I was married, waiting for my husband to get home from work
and dream of what life would be like. 

And suddenly, it was here. 

Sure marriage takes work, prioritizing, and giving up some of my girly TV shows. All the cautious, loving pieces of advice that people shared with us during engagement ring through my mind every now and then.

But more than anything, it has been so much fun.
Having sleepovers every night, coming home to my best friend, laughing until my belly aches because its 2 in the morning and everything is hilarious. 

F - you are the best.
The keeper of my secrets, the protector of my heart. You make me feel that anything is possible. You tell me when I'm being a nut job and love me anyway. You are the rational thought to my idealist spontaneity. You educate me in finance when I'd rather choose pillow fabrics. You affirm me and always make me feel that you are proud to be mine. (Even when I never stop talking and throw "that's what she said" into otherwise G-rated conversations.) You tell me I look beautiful when I feel anything but. You google like a boss to fix any computer, car, or tech problem we are having. You always smell good. You check the oil on the car before I'm driving - even if only to Whole Foods. When we feel off and just aren't seeing eye-to-eye, you have a "let's figure it out" attitude, instead of "get me the heck outta here."

Field trips, travel, errands, walks around the lake - they are all things that make me swoon. 
This adventure that we are on, though, it's my best one yet. 

image: Louis Vuitton


  1. Happy Anniversary H & F! You worded your love and life so beautifully, I'm misty-eyed and all choked up. Or maybe that's the same thing? I so love your blog and your words! You always leave me wanting more! Thank you for that.

  2. You are so sweet, mama. Thanks for reading and glad you like it.
