06 February 2014

Winner, winner, Brussels sprout dinner!

I consider myself a majorly blessed person, but not necessarily lucky.

I've won my fair share of things - silent auctions, stuffed animals at a play when I was just a wee one, the occasional trivia, I came home from Vegas ahead of the casinos ... but I don't have any Powerballs or new cars in my winning repertoire.

I follow a few of my favorite companies and blogs on facebook and see their contests pop up every now and again in my newsfeed. For the longest time, I didn't even bother to enter, assuming the odds were against me, but then I figured, what is there to lose?

Well, ladies and gents, I am here to tell you that it is worth it.

This weekend, I left a comment on a Williams-Sonoma contest saying what dish I would make in their Staub pan and well, meet my new Staub Perfect Pan!

The contest post.

Their response after the random drawing (there were 3500 entries).

All my lucky stars!
Williams-Sonoma is one of F and my happy places; we could NOT be any more excited.

images: hilaryclair


  1. Congratulations brussel sprout dinner winner (and F)! I think this is only the beginning of lucky stars for the two of you. Cheers!

  2. What a nice thought - thanks, mama.
