28 October 2013


Full disclosure and a novel worth of explanation:

When I started this blog, I didn't know what I wanted it to look like. I just wanted to write and share pretties and sillies. A virtual bulletin board (who else wishes they would have thought up Pinterest?). I dreamed of conversations in the comment boards, meeting new people who stumbled on my scribbled typed words. Of capturing my favorite fancies of the moment - pretty umbrella, delicious recipe, awkward moment.

Even though, I've been blogging for 2.5 years, I still don't really know what I want this to look like. It's something that grows as I grow and reflects the me-of-the-moment. I want to steer it a bit more towards a lifestyle blog - style, food, everyday happenings. I want it to be a place where I bravely share how I'm feeling. Be it lovely or less than. To share worries and celebrations. Joys and disappointments. It's hard sometimes to be brave with this big, unknown world of readers. It's easy to want to portray a life that's strung together and tied with the prettiest of bows. To post things too expensive to attain (F says I have "filet taste on a hamburger budget) or too difficult to master. To me, the most beautiful parts of life are in the madness, the pursuit, the lessons. So, why not share it?

Tomorrow I turn 26 and with this year, I want to be braver. So consider this my manifesto, sweet readers. That 26 year old Hilary will be braver than the 25 versions before her.

Here's wishing.

images: hilaryclair

1 comment:

  1. Here's to your bravery manifesto! Your words inspire me and almost made me weepy.
