17 October 2013


I picked up these acorns while on a run with my mother-in-law.

October has always been my favorite month. 
In our house, it means fall, birthday, and orchard. 
Aside from the spicy scents and the sweet celebrations, I love the simple things about it. 
The smell of a rainy morning.
The simpleness of baby pumpkins and gourds. 
This year, I have embraced fall more than ever before. (Blame it on Pinterest.)
If a recipe doesn't have the word "pumpkin", "squash" or "soup" in it, color me uninterested.
I'm currently planning my third trip to the orchard. 
Either a candle is lit or a homemade pot of oranges and spices is simmering on the stove. At.all.times.

Dear, Fall, 
Last forever and always?
Please and thank you very much. 

No surface has been missed in the fallifying process this year.

 Mulling spices make my heart happy. This Williams-Sonoma version has become a quick favorite. 

images: hilaryclair


  1. I'm definitely planning trying the simmering oranges and spices. I got the idea from...wait for it...Pinterest! Yay for fall!

  2. You will not be disappointed! Simmered happiness. :)
