18 October 2013

Why, hello Kate!

I absolutely adore Kate Spade
With her impeccable style and colorful whimsy, how could you not?

And come on, she loves bows. (Heart be still.)
Enough in fact that her new Edina store front is a la her geometric bow. 

When I received an email to the grand opening party, it was an obvious RSVP. 
Yes, please and thank you very much!

My husband was awesome enough to brave the crazy lovely crowds of girls people to be my date. 
Ever the stud of a husband that man is.

I felt like royalty. 
Bubbly. Butler passed hors d'oeuvres. So.much.pretty.

I think it's safe to say that I lovingly caressed every item in that store. 
We pushed our way through through people strolled through each and every inch. 

I asked the manager if I could take pictures to share with my blog followers. (Such a rule follower.)
See below for my snapshots. 

Happy weekend!
xo, H


A purse version of a card catalog drawer! (Made me think of my librarian friend, B.)

Obsessed with this wallpaper.

I love the gold glitter shoes. 
I have to constantly remind myself that I have a few decades on six years old and can no longer pull all things sparkle off. 
Doesn't stop me from trying.

One of my favorite things in the store. Cutest booties with bows and gold heels. Charge it, please!

Yours truly. 

images: hilaryclair


  1. I so love how you write! Thank YOU very much for taking us along to Kate's grand opening. Of your 23 amazing snapshots, the last one is my favorite. Great shoes on you too!

    1. Thanks so much! Someone with great style bought them for me. (Wink!)
      xo, H

  2. Great pictures, H! You are quite the photographer. :)

    1. That is so sweet of you to say, B!
      My handy dandy iPhone serves me well.
      Someday, we'll up the ante on this blog and buy an actual camera. :)

      xo, H

  3. Also, I would love some variation of that live colorfully sign in my apartment.

    1. Me too! Neon lights have never been chic-er.
